
It’s 3:40 a.m. on Thursday night,

and I have 100 followers.

This is the first significant milestone I feel like I’ve hit since I started this blog, and I feel so giddy and thankful. This isn’t the first blog I tried to start – I have vague memories of one or two blogs I started tentatively in the past, just to abandon in a matter of days. But with this blog, I was much more committed, and I think that is the main reason for which I was able to achieve this incredible follower count.

For the first couple months after creating ItsHeyJune, I didn’t really have big expectations for this blog. I started it with the intention of having a sort of diary that I could share things that I love, things that I’ve been enjoying, and because I love so many things in life, it didn’t really have a cohesive, holistic theme. But I kept going with it, feeling proud and accomplished with each like, each view, each visitor.

I know that 100 followers might not be the biggest number, but to me, each one of the 100 followers mean the world to me and it motivates me to keep on writing, to keep on thinking of new content, and better ways to present this content to you. Thank you for staying with me and accompanying me in this journey that has just barely begun.

Now, serious stuff aside, I was originally planning on doing a 100 follower giveaway because I thought I would reach that number by the end of summer, which is when I’ll be back in the US. So instead of a 100 follower giveaway, I’ll be doing one in August, at the next “milestone” follower count I hit by then. What the prize for the giveaway will be is a surprise (but I’ll give you a hint – it’s going to be products from this one brand that I have been ADORING lately), but I do want to tell you that I will be giving the winner an extra perk if he/she was a follower prior to the giveaway announcement. This is because I appreciate all of you guys that are following me right now and I want to show you even a little bit of how special you are to me.

A massive thank you to everyone!


Yours Truly,


Also known as Hey June.


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